Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I met an old woman,
Her name is Islie. She lives in the pioneer home.
I asked my mom where she was from and she said Germany.
Islie only has three full bottom teeth, while the rest are fake halfies.
And when she talks she sounds like a cartoon character with a lisp.

Her friend, Marian, doesn't know how to make conversation all that well.
You could ask her how her day was and she'll say "Why yes they are nice and sometimes love."
Islie has lost her mind. She doesn't remember anything.
She doesn't remember that her whole family has passed away.
When I ask her how she is, she'll tell me,
"My husband and son are coming to see me today!"

When I'm old, I want to be like Islie.
I don't want to remember the bad things that happened throughout my life, no matter how tragic.
I want to be carefree and happy, just like Islie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot.
-Guy Fawkes

I don't know what kind of remembering this is, I guess it could be a remembrance of an important event? Yes let's go with that. I've always liked this poem and I've never been quite sure why.